VITAS Healthcare’s Marketing Team Earns 16 Aster Awards for Healthcare Advertising

This video, "VITAS Feels Like Family," was a Gold Winner in the 2019 Aster Awards.


MIAMI, FL – VITAS® Healthcare, the nation’s leading provider of end-of-life care, has won 16 awards for multimedia marketing from the Aster Awards, an elite competition recognizing outstanding excellence in healthcare advertising.

Earned in the Home Health/Hospice category, the 16 awards feature an array of advertising work:

  • 10 Gold awards for poster, photo/illustration, outdoor transit ad, mobile app, billboard ad, recruitment, external publication, service line, video production and website ad
  • 5 Silver awards for magazine ad, flyer, e-newsletter, internal publication and social media
  • 1 Bronze award for website

Gold award winners include:

The Aster Awards is sponsored by Marketing Healthcare Today magazine. Each year, the publication receives thousands of entries from the United States and abroad. Judging criteria includes creativity, layout/design, functionality, message effectiveness, production quality and overall appeal.

“External recognition of our creativity and success by the Aster Awards reinforces our internal commitment to produce high-quality materials and campaigns that educate consumers, healthcare professionals and the communities we serve about high-quality hospice care,” said VITAS Chief Marketing Officer Drew Landmeier. “One of our core values at VITAS is to do our best today, and even better tomorrow. Our team of 35 marketers, communications professionals, copywriters, graphic designers, multimedia producers, analysts and software developers sets the bar higher every day, continuously improving the experience for referral sources, patients and families, employees and employment candidates.”

The marketing department at VITAS creates thousands of local marketing materials, educational pieces, web pages, videos and digital materials every year. The team has openings at corporate offices in Miami, Florida, and Cincinnati, Ohio.

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