Make Your End-of-Life Wishes Known on April 16, National Healthcare Decisions Day
April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day: a day to talk to your loved ones about the medical care you want at the end of life.
What If You Can’t Speak for Yourself?
If a medical condition leaves you unable to speak for yourself, your loved ones might speak and make decisions for you. They should know what you want, in writing. Your doctor should, too.
Be sure to do three things on April 16:
- Talk about your end-of-life care preferences.
- Write them down.
- Share them with those close to you.
This conversation will help you complete advance directives. Make sure your family members know where the documents are kept and that your physician has a copy, too.
Don't wait to begin your advance care planning.
If you decide to receive compassionate hospice care at the end of life, it’s more likely that your religious/spiritual beliefs will be respected, you’ll be surrounded by your loved ones in your final hours and your wishes will be honored.
Advance Care Planning, by the Numbers