January 29, 2020

Top 5 Most Popular Pages on VITAS.com for Healthcare Professionals in 2019

These VITAS.com pages for healthcare professionals received the most views in 2019:

1. Hospice Is About Choices

Everyone needs to have some control, to be given choices and asked what they prefer. When seriously ill patients transition to hospice, VITAS gives back control.

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2. VITAS Solves the Challenges of High-Risk End-of-Life Patients

When your high-risk end-of-life patient has complex needs and challenging symptoms, VITAS can help. We offer hospice and palliative care solutions and protocols that many other hospice providers do not.

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3. How Soon Do You Need Us? VITAS Is Always Available

We have clinicians on duty day and night to answer the questions of our referral sources, set up a hospice evaluation or arrange an admission. If you need a VITAS admissions nurse to see your patient in the ED at 4 a.m. we make that possible.

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4. Your Patient Can Be Home With Hospice Care

When traditional treatments or cures are no longer effective or desirable, VITAS provides hospice care for your patients at home, wherever they call home.

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5. Hospice and Palliative Care Eligibility Guidelines

Does your patient need hospice? Use our guidelines to determine if your patient needs palliative care or hospice services.

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