VITAS Brings ELNEC-Geriatric Training to Dallas Nurses
A National Nursing Education Initiative
On Friday, February 19, VITAS Healthcare—the nation’s leading provider of end-of-life care—and Texas Woman’s University (TWU) partnered to bring a national nursing education initiative, administered by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and City of Hope, to Dallas nurses and other healthcare professionals who provide care to the elderly. More than 150 people attended the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) geriatric curriculum, held at TWU’s Dallas Campus, which covered palliative care in geriatric nursing and addressed eight critical aspect modules of end-of-life care including the role of the nurse.
More than 150 healthcare professionals and nurses attended the ELNEC-Geriatric Training hosted by VITAS Healthcare, the nation’s leading provider of end-of-life care and Texas Woman’s University (TWU) in Dallas, Texas.